Monday, March 29, 2010

Sadat Memorial

In Cairo there is a memorial to the late President Anwar Sadat who was assinated in 1981, by Islamist extremeists who were upset with him for signing a peace treaty with Israel for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize. The peace treaty with Israel was very unpoular in the Arab world, and caused considerable controversy. This is the memorial as it appears from the street.
Sadat is buried at the tomb of the unknown in Cairo across the street from the viewing stands where he was assinated. It is a very special memorial here in Cairo.

I have been by this site at all hours of the day and night and there is always someone here.

This is the viewing platform where Sadat was standing when assinated. The security would not let me go up onto the stand to have my picture taken. This was as far as I could go.

This gives you a better view of the viewing stand across the street from the memorial. It is a very quiet and solemn place. I had to hand in my passport to be allowed to visit the memorial. The Egyptians are very concerned that someone might desscrate this memorial and by handing in my passport I could be traced.
It was an interesting place to visit.

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