Saturday, June 12, 2010

Called Home

I was called home.

My mother is dying and I was summoned home by her doctor. She is in frail health but stable at the moment.

A series of health problems that taken separately would not be life threatening, ganged up on a frail 89 year old woman and created a precariously life-threatening situation. She went into a steep decline in late May-early June and the doctor felt I needed to be home with her. So I left a girlfriend who was visiting to tie up loose ends for me and flew home immediately to be with my mother.

She was overjoyed to see me. She cried and said she was afraid she would never see me again.

I am so glad school afforded me the opportunity to be with my mother during this time. My brothers also came in, one from Missouri and the other from Japan. They were able to spend more than a week with Mom. All of us had many good conversations as Mom rallied a bit and was able to participate. We all are ever so thankful for that time together--all of us and Mom.

My brothers have departed now and Mom 's health seems to have stabilized somewhat. She is still in precarious condition and death is imminent. For the time being, though, she is still with us in a beautiful hospice facility. I visit with her, play cards, read the paper and am with her as she completes this circle of life.

I have enjoyed doing this blog, but am no longer in Cairo so will make no further postings. I know your thoughts and prayers are with us now as we deal with these emotional issues.

Thank you all for your dedication to my blog. I wish you all well.