We went on a four-wheel drive expedition up onto the Golan Heights. Until one of Israel's wars, the Golan Heights area was controled by Syria. There are no roads other than farm and four-wheel access roads, into the area. Much is rock-strewn and of not much use other than grazing, and even that is slim picking for the animals. We did see some wild pheasants and ibex, as well as cattle grazing. You can see the Land Cruiser mired down in the muddy road.
This is a broad view down from the hills. You can see remains of old Syrian army installations that were destroyed in the war when Israel recovered the Golan Heights.
There is a story about an Israeli spy in the confidence of the Syrians who convinced the Syrians to plant fast growing eucalyptus trees around the gun installations and armaments to provide shade for the poor Syrian soldiers who must be on duty in the harsh, hot and open Golan Heights. Of course it also provided targets for the Israeli Air Force as well. The spy was discovered and killed in the main square in Damascus and a book written about him called Our Man In Damascus . His exploits are legendary in Israel.

The area has not been entirely cleared so these signs appear all over. There are large tracts of fenced areas off limits to man and animal alike. Our Land Rover driver told us they lose a few animals to unexploded land mines every year.

Israel is now at Peace with Syria. The Golan Heights provided Israel with a more secure border, as well as a great four-wheeled experience for us tourists.
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