These are the logos for the school that are embroidered on the school uniforms. Kids can wear an official white crew-neck t-shirt with this logo, or the polo shirt with this logo, and navy trousers, skirts, or shorts. There are other official clothes students can wear as well, like sweaters, and jackets. But all must conform to the uniform policy which is strictly enforced.

Well, it looks like we are going to start school tomorrow.
Because of H1N1 (Swine flu) concerns we are gathering all students outside on the school grounds and playing fields. This is to minimize having large groups of parents, drivers, grandparents, etc., congregating in the hallways of the school, especially in the elementary section.
Kids will meet their teachers / homeroom teachers for middle school, on the field and be taken into school. Only students and teachers will be allowed into the school. Parents will go to the bleacher area for a welcome address from the elementary principal who will outline for the parents some of the changes that are taking place to minimize problems with the swine flu; changes to the calendar, and various other parental concerns about this late starting school year. I am sure parents will have lots of questions, and hopefully, the principal will be able to answer them, or at least put parents' minds at ease.
Once we get our students inside our homerooms, we will go over some of the same information. One thing that the students will find especially difficult is the request that they not touch eachother, shake hands, kiss cheeks, or be physical with eachother. Middle school boys are especially physical so it will be interesting to see how they adapt.
The school has turned off the air conditioning and wants us to open up our doors and windows to get air moving through the building. We wonder how long that will last. The first really hot day, may doom the open window policy. They have also installed hand sanitizers in each classroom and are asking kids to use them before and after each class. Lining up to get to the hand sanitizer may prove to be problematic. We shall see.
It is going to be an interesting school year. This swine flu business has everyone on tenderhooks just waiting for the first few cases to surface to see how the school will handle it.
I will post more as time passes and things develop. For now wish us well as we finally begin a new school year.